#!/usr/bin/env python
calculation of order parameters of lipid bilayers
from a MD trajectory
meant for use with NMRlipids projects
Made by Joe, Last edit 2017/02/02
input: Order parameter definitions
gro and xtc file (or equivalents)
output: order parameters (2 textfiles)
# coding: utf-8
import MDAnalysis as mda
import numpy as np
import math
import os, sys
import warnings
import re
from optparse import OptionParser
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import add
from linecache import getline
#k_b = 0.0083144621 #kJ/Mol*K
#f_conc=55430 # factor for calculating concentrations of salts from numbers of ions/waters; in mM/L
bond_len_max=1.5 # in A, max distance between atoms for reasonable OP calculation
[docs]class OrderParameter:
Class for storing&manipulating
order parameter (OP) related metadata (definition, name, ...)
and OP trajectories
and methods to evaluate OPs.
def __init__(self, resname, atom_A_name, atom_B_name, M_atom_A_name, M_atom_B_name, *args): #removed name, resname from arguments
it doesn't matter which comes first,
atom A or B, for OP calculation.
# self.name = name # name of the order parameter, a label
self.resname = resname # name of residue atoms are in
self.atAname = atom_A_name
self.atBname = atom_B_name
self.M_atAname = M_atom_A_name
self.M_atBname = M_atom_B_name
self.name = M_atom_A_name + " " + M_atom_B_name # generic name of atom A and atom B
for field in self.__dict__:
if not isinstance(field, str):
warnings.warn("provided name >> {} << is not a string! \n \
Unexpected behaviour might occur.")#.format(field)
if not field.strip():
raise RuntimeError("provided name >> {} << is empty! \n \
Cannot use empty names for atoms and OP definitions.")#.format(field)
# extra optional arguments allow setting avg,std values -- suitable for reading-in results of this script
if len(args) == 0:
self.avg = None
self.std = None
self.stem = None
elif len(args) == 2:
self.avg = args[0]
self.std = args[1]
self.stem = None
warnings.warn("Number of optional positional arguments is {len}, not 2 or 0. Args: {args}\nWrong file format?")
self.traj = [] # for storing OPs
self.selection = []
[docs] def calc_OP(self, atoms):
calculates Order Parameter according to equation
S = 1/2 * (3*cos(theta)^2 -1)
# print(atoms)
vec = atoms[1].position - atoms[0].position
d2 = np.square(vec).sum()
if d2>bond_len_max_sq:
warnings.warn("Atomic distance for atoms \
{at1} and {at2} in residue no. {resnr} is suspiciously \
long: {d}!\nPBC removed???")
cos2 = vec[2]**2/d2
S = 0.5*(3.0*cos2-1.0)
return S
def get_avg_std_OP(self):
Provides average and stddev of all OPs in self.traj
# convert to numpy array
return (np.mean(self.traj), np.std(self.traj))
def get_avg_std_stem_OP(self):
Provides average and stddev of all OPs in self.traj
# convert to numpy array
return (np.mean(self.traj),std,std/np.sqrt(len(self.traj)-1))
def get_op_res(self):
Provides average and stddev of all OPs in self.traj
# convert to numpy array
return self.traj
#Anne: Added calc_angle from https://github.com/NMRLipids/MATCH/blob/master/scripts/calcOrderParameters.py
#Anne: removed self from function arguments
[docs]def calc_angle(atoms, com):
calculates the angle between the vector and z-axis in degrees
no PBC check!
Calculates the center of mass of the selected atoms to invert bottom leaflet vector
vec = atoms[1].position - atoms[0].position
d = math.sqrt(np.square(vec).sum())
cos = vec[2]/d
# values for the bottom leaflet are inverted so that
# they have the same nomenclature as the top leaflet
cos *= math.copysign(1.0, atoms[0].position[2]-com)
angle = math.degrees(math.acos(cos))
except ValueError:
if abs(cos)>=1.0:
print("Cosine is too large = {} --> truncating it to +/-1.0".format(cos))
cos = math.copysign(1.0, cos)
angle = math.degrees(math.acos(cos))
return angle
[docs]def calc_z_dim(gro):
u = mda.Universe(gro)
z = u.dimensions[2]
return z
[docs]def read_trajs_calc_OPs(ordPars, top, trajs):
procedure that
creates MDAnalysis Universe with top,
reads in trajectories trajs and then
goes through every frame and
evaluates each Order Parameter "S" from the list of OPs ordPars.
ordPars : list of OrderParameter class
each item in this list describes an Order parameter to be calculated in the trajectory
top : str
filename of a top file (e.g. conf.gro)
trajs : list of strings
filenames of trajectories
# read-in topology and trajectory
mol = mda.Universe(top, trajs)
# make atom selections for each OP and store it as its attribute for later use in trajectory
for op in ordPars:
# selection = pairs of atoms, split-by residues
selection = mol.select_atoms("resname {rnm} and name {atA} {atB}".format(
rnm=op.resname, atA=op.atAname, atB=op.atBname)
# print(op.resname + " " + op.atAname + " " + op.atBname)
for res in selection:
# check if we have only 2 atoms (A & B) selected
if res.n_atoms != 2:
#print(res.resnames, res.resids)
for atom in res.atoms:
# print(atom.name, atom.id)
warnings.warn("Selection >> name {atA} {atB} << \
contains {nat} atoms, but should contain exactly 2!")
op.selection = selection
# go through trajectory frame-by-frame
for op in ordPars:
op.traj= [0]*Nres
# op.traj=[0]*Nres
# if len(op.traj) == 0:
# print(op.atAname + " " + op.atBname)
# print("op.traj length " + str(len(op.traj)))
for frame in mol.trajectory:
for op in ordPars: #.values():
for i in range(0,Nres):
# for i, op in enumerate(ordPars,1):
# print(residue)
S = op.calc_OP(residue)
# print(S)
# print(op.atAname + " " + op.atBname)
# print(i)
# op.traj.append(S/Nframes)
#print "--", mol.atoms[0].position
# for op in ordPars:
# op.traj=op.traj/Nframes
#def parse_op_input(fname):
# """
# parses input file with Order Parameter definitions
# file format is as follows:
# OP_name resname atom1 atom2
# (flexible cols)
# fname : string
# input file name
# returns : dictionary
# with OrderParameters class instances
# """
# ordPars = OrderedDict()
# try:
# with open(fname,"r") as f:
# for line in f.readlines():
# if not line.startswith("#"):
# items = line.split()
# ordPars[items[0]] = OrderParameter(*items)
# except:
# inpf=opts.inp_fname
# raise RuntimeError("Couldn't read input file >> {inpf} <<")
# return ordPars
[docs]def find_OP(inp_fname, top_fname, traj_fname,lipid_name):
ordPars = parse_op_input(inp_fname,lipid_name)
# for file_name in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
# if file_name.startswith(traj_fname):
# trajs.append(file_name)
read_trajs_calc_OPs(ordPars, top_fname, traj_fname)
return ordPars
[docs]def read_trj_PN_angles(molname,atoms, top_fname, traj_fname, gro_fname):
mol = mda.Universe(top_fname, traj_fname)
# z_dim = calc_z_dim(gro_fname)
selection = mol.select_atoms("resname " + molname + " and (name " + atoms[0] + ")", "resname " + molname + " and (name " + atoms[1] + ")").atoms.split("residue")
com = mol.select_atoms("resname " + molname + " and (name " + atoms[0] + " or name " + atoms[1] + ")").center_of_mass()
angles = np.zeros((Nres,Nframes))
# sumsResAngles = [0]*Nres
resAverageAngles = [0]*Nres
resSTDerror = [0]*Nres
j = 0
for frame in mol.trajectory:
for i in range(0,Nres):
residue = selection[i]
angles[i,j] = calc_angle(residue, com[2])
# sumsResAngles = map(add,sumsResAngles, frameAngles)
# resAverageAngles = [x / Nframes for x in sumsResAngles]
for i in range(0,Nres):
resAverageAngles[i] = sum(angles[i,:]) / Nframes
resSTDerror[i] = np.std(angles[i,:])
totalAverage = sum(resAverageAngles) / Nres
totalSTDerror = np.std(resAverageAngles) / np.sqrt(Nres)
# standard errors
# for i in range(0,Nres):
# residue = selection[i]
# PNangles = []
# for frame in mol.trajectory:
# PNangle = calc_angle(residue)
# PNangles.append(PNangle)
# averageAngle = sum(PNangles) / Nframes
# resAveragePNangles.append(averageAngle)
return angles, resAverageAngles, totalAverage, totalSTDerror
#Anne: Functions needed for dihedral analysis
[docs]class Dihedrals:
def __init__(self, resname, atom_1_name, atom_2_name, atom_3_name, atom_4_name, *args):
self.resname = resname # name of residue atoms are in
self.at1name = atom_1_name
self.at2name = atom_2_name
self.at3name = atom_3_name
self.at4name = atom_4_name
self.name = atom_1_name + " " + atom_2_name + " " + atom_3_name + " " + atom_4_name # generic name of atom A and atom B
self.traj = []
self.selection = []
#def calcDihedrals(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4):
# return
#def readTrjCalcDih(trj, tpr, mapping_file):